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Friday, December 16, 2011

Gender Selection Cost

Gender Selection Cost
What may be more interesting to examine though, aside from  gender selection cost, are the benefits and the how the selection is handled.

When considering the cost of gender selection though, it is important to think of financial budgeting and whether the cost fits into your personal lifestyle. Gender selection is not for every couple or family. Sometimes it is fun to anticipate the gender of a new addition to the family and gender selection can remove that spontaneity. However, regardless of this aspect, the cost of gender selection remains feasible for various income types due to financing options at some fertility clinics.

  • The Gradient Method–This is a medical gender selection that sorts sperm using a centrifuge to spin sperm at high speed. The process sorts the heavier Y-Sperm (male) from the lighter X-Sperm (female). The Gradient Method is relatively an inexpensive and easy compared to the other methods, priced at 600 -1600 hundred dollars.
  • MicroSort–Often called Flow Cytometry, MicroSort is also a sperm sorting procedure that uses a fluorescent dye to bind with the DNA material that is carried by the sperm. X- Sperm containing more DNA than Y-Sperm, absorb more dye. The sperm is then sorted and the procedures are complete by intrauterine insemination and/or in vitro fertilization.Priced at about $4000.00 a cycle. However, there are additional costs that could add up to $10,000 or more.
  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)–Another complex procedure of gender selection conception, however highly effective compared to the other two preconception gender selection. PDG testing costs between $2,000.00 and $4,000.00 plus the costs of IVF procedures. It comes with a 99% success rate.

When considering the cost of preconception gender selection , it is important to think of financial budgeting and whether the cost fits into your personal lifestyle. The cost of gender selection is sometimes a cost that can be financed and taken care of with the help of the fertility clinic of your choosing. Be fully aware of costs before you make any choices for your family.

You can read my previous article about Baby Gender Predictor

1 comment:

  1. Want to have a son - at all costs?! In this article, an overview of gender selection methods is presented.

    ZIFT Gender Selection
