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Monday, December 26, 2011

Choosing The Gender of Your Future Child

Choosing the gender of your children is a controversial topic, especially in terms of genetic therapy and the ethics of picking the sex of your child. While there certainly have been advances in the field of genetics, there are actually some safe, natural and completely ethical things that you can do that will increase the odds of selecting a gender for your child.

While there are many debates over how ethical it is to choose the gender of your child before they are born, the fact remains that there are some natural methods you can use that will increase the likelihood of having a child of a specific gender. The ethics of it are up to you and while no method is 100% accurate, there are a few things that you can try that will help you increase your chances for having either a boy or a girl.

These methods are centered around the fact that the sperm who carry Y chromosomes (which are necessary for a boy) are very different from the sperm that carry the X chromosome (which are necessary for a girl). By understanding these differences, and choosing the right methods,  you are creating an environment where one type of sperm can outshine the other and reach the main destination first. Let's take a look at what you can do.

The Right Diet

Y sperm require an enivornment that is alkalai in nature, while X sperm need more acid. The PH levels of your body determine how thick the cervical discharge is and whether or not the desired sperm will be able to get through successfully. In order to have a girl, you need to eat a diet that is rich in calcium and magnesium. In order to have a boy, a diet rich in potassium and sodium is required.

The Right Time

The timing of when you have intercourse can greatly affect the gender of your child. Because the Y sperm need to reach the egg as quickly as possible, it is necessary to time intercourse to the day that you ovulate to increase your chances of having a boy. They will be able to reach the egg while it and they are still viable.

But in order to have a girl, you need to give the Y sperm time to die off, leaving the more durable X sperm behind. This means that you will need to time intercourse to approximately two to three days before ovulation. This gives the X sperm more than enough time to reach the egg.

The Right Position

The position you choose for intercourse can also determine the sex of your child. Once again, we fall back to the differences between sperm. The Y sperm need to reach their destination in as little time as possible. This means that they need to be released as close to the cervix as possible, shortening the trip they must take to the egg. Positions that allow for deep penetration are ideal.

In order to have a girl, you need to make it more difficult for the Y sperm to reach their target on time. This means that positions where shallow penetration is achieved are necessary. The sperm will be deposited further away from the cervix, giving the X sperm the chance they need to reach the egg, and allowing the Y sperm to die off.

You can read my previous articles about Sex of Baby Predictor

Monday, December 19, 2011

Baby Predictor

Baby Predictor
Baby predictors come in a variety of styles. Advisors and methods abound and most have some relevance if for no other reason than the issue of your next baby's gender is so important. There is joy and excitement in not knowing the baby's sex. Don't mess with Mother Nature.

However, for many couples, the gender issue is relevant for a host of reasons. If a couple or even one member of the couple desires to have the next baby's sex be determined in advance, then there is a little or a lot of stress or tension regarding this issue.

Baby predictor : Myths or Technology?

A lot of people are interested in choosing the gender of a new infant. The most reliable method to determine the gender of the baby, is an ultrasound. Most expectant parents end up turning to age old myths, that have been passed down through generations as a gender predictor of baby.

Using myths as a gender predictor of your baby largely are not accurate, but they can be fun. Some people swear they work, but keep in mind these methods have a 50% chance of being accurate so there are bound to be a few people who will tell you they work!

Some people claim that if you carry your baby low, you are having a boy. Others claim that if your demeanor turns extra sour during pregnancy, you are having a girl. There are also fun Chinese Gender Predictor charts, Mayan beliefs, and so many more.

Are Baby Predictor Effective?

Probably the most commonly known method is the gender prediction chart. While, that method may not be for everyone, there are other methods to determine baby gender.

There are now boy or girl predictor urine tests. The accuracy rate of the boy or girl predictor tests is 78-80 percent. A third way to predict baby gender is by taking a blood test at your doctor's office. Research has shown that certain foods can help swing which gender a couple conceives.

You can read my previous article about Sex of baby predictor

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender
The Chinese Baby Gender Calendar was employed in Ancient China for predicting baby gender. It really is rumored that the Chinese Gender Calendar was discovered over 700 years ago in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing, China. The Chinese Baby Gender Calendar is said to have been created on account of the strong desire for male babies in the Chinese culture. Moreover, the males were able to inherit the family members' name and property resulting the continuation of the family name.

In Ancient China, predicting a child's sex was a very important matter, especially in royal families, who needed a male heir to the throne to keep the family rule. Therefore, the Chinese pregnancy calendar was discovered in a royal tomb near Beijing, the original dating back 700 years.

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is a chart believed to make predictions about the gender of the unborn baby in the mother's womb. You will find various Chinese pregnancy calendar imitations or representations in the net. Although the calendar was not proven right, some people say that the pregnancy calendar accurately predicted the gender of their child during conception.

Aside from the Chinese Baby Gender Calendar, the Chinese also used a different kind of calendar to predict the gender of the baby with the Chinese Lunar Calendar. According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, you are age one starting from the date of your conception that means that your age in Chinese Lunar Calendar will be your real age plus one.

Reading the Chinese Baby Gender Calendar is pretty simple: all you have to do is cross the mother's age with the month of conception and read the prediction: male or female. According to the Chinese wisdom the highest chances of conceiving a boy are in July and a girl in April. Also according to the Chinese table, the chances of conceiving a boy start at 54% in all cases.

You can read my previous article about Chinese Baby Calender 

Gender Calendar

Gender Calender
The choice of using gender selection is a very appealing idea to some prospective parents.  Gender calendars are able to facilitate this choice by guiding a couple's intercourse to influence their baby's gender.  A scientific variant of the gender calendar works on the basis of positive and negative ionic charges  in the sperm and ova.  This is known as the Selnas/Choice method. One, a study has reported a success rate of 98.7% with this method in 1994, while a 96 to 98 percent success rate was reported in 1999.

This method is affected by a woman's menstrual cycle.  Women with very irregular ovulation may not coincide with the calendar's prediction.  Third, this calendar will not work if the woman has taken ovulation pills or other fertility drugs.  Depending on beliefs, however, one may choose from several calendar methods in achieving this, from the astrological to the scientific. 

Using an Ovulation Calendar for Gender Selection

Understanding the difference between male and female sperm is one of the best ways to get started. The male sperm damages easier and also thrives better in alkaline (ph balanced) environment. Know these characteristics of sperm and use them to your advantage.

Firstly, you both should know that a infant boy is conceived when a Y chromosomes fertilizes a female egg. Chart your ovulation by taking a test or using an online ovulation calculator. Your chances of conceiving a boy are at their highest. The reasoning is when a woman has an orgasm her cervix opens and dilates allowing the flow of sperm to increase when the male climaxes.

An acidic environment might kill the sperm. Male sperm prefers the area closest to the cervix which is a natural alkaline environment. Consider using a douche made weak with baking soda before sex.  Knowledge of your Partners sperm, timing diet and ph balance readings, literally can let you know when the time is right to conceive that bouncing baby boy.

You can read my previous article about Chinese Baby Calender

Friday, December 16, 2011

Chinese Gender Calender

Chinese Gender Calender
The Chinese Baby Gender Calendar was employed in Ancient China for predicting baby gender. Despite the fact that many individuals believe that the Chinese Gender Calendar is over 90% accurate for predicting baby gender, it is still only right half of the time.

The Chinese  Gender Calendar is said to have been created on account of the strong desire for male babies in the Chinese culture. By way of many years of studying the trends of a woman’s age and month at the time of conception, the Chinese Gender Calendar was produced.

The Chinese gender predictor is deemed to be the oldest gender chart that aims to provide a substantial forecast of the future baby’s gender. The predictor’s “Calculator” feature determines the baby’s gender in accordance with the ancient Chinese lunar age.

The ancient types of gender predictors contain word variations such as sex prediction chart, ancient ovulation calendar and gender calculator. The traditional Chinese predictor’s calendar determines whether the baby is a boy or girl. Select the Chinese lunar age within the month of conception period. Make use of the gender prediction calendar in showing the gender of your baby.

To establish the month of conception based on the lunisolar calendar, you’ll need to compare the Chinese gender calendar with the Western calendar.

You can read previous article about Chinese Baby Calender

Chinese Baby Predictor

Chinese Baby Predictor
Beside the traditional chinese baby predictor, In the modern world the most popular way of determining the sex of the unborn baby is by an ultrasound scan, this method is very reliable and with modern technology and the new 3-D scanning systems you are able to see quite clearly whether the baby it male or female.

This discovery was a simple chart that apparently predicted the gender of a baby even before conception,

The Chinese birth calendar calculates its results based upon the woman’s age and the month of conception, by drawing two straight lines 1 horizontal relating to your age and one vertical from the month of conception, the place where the lines meet is the predicted result of the gender of the baby.

Chinese Conception Chart  was believed to be found in a tomb over seven hundred years ago.The chart is now on display at the Beijing Institute of Science in China

The chart uses the age of the woman and the month of conception to decide whether the baby will be a boy or girl. Ages on the chart of more likely having a girl on an 18 to 45 range are 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, and 34. Ages 28, 29, 35, 39, 40, 42, and 45, it is a fifty -fifty chance of having a girl or boy.

Based on the conception month the odds on what sex your baby will be change. The months do not have as many one way or the other odds. January, February, May, and October each have 3 to 4 odds of being a boy. April has a to 3 to 4 odds in favor of being a girl. June, August, September, and November are all 15 to 13 in favor of a girl. March and December both have a fifty -fifty chance of your baby being a boy or girl. The only odd month is July where the odds are outstandingly in favor of having a boy at 9 to 19 according to the chart.

It varies month to month and age to age, but the chart is not a science. The Chinese baby predictor is a fun thing to use when pregnant.

Read my previous post about Chinese baby calender

Girl Or Boy Predictor

Girl Or Boy Predictor
Gender prediction is a fun experience during pregnancy as well as conception. There are several methods to predict baby gender. Probably the most commonly known method is the gender prediction chart. While, that method may not be for everyone, there are other methods to determine baby gender.

There are now boy or girl predictor urine tests. A third way to predict baby gender is by taking a blood test at your doctor’s office.

Research has shown that certain foods can help swing which gender a couple conceives. The research shows that higher acidity in the body can kill of male sperm allowing the female sperm to reach the eggs resulting in a baby girl.

No matter which method you choose, whether it’s choosing gender during conception or predicting the gender post conception, you can be sure that the end result will be beautiful!

Baby gender selection: if it is a boy you want…

Timing really is a big part of baby gender selection. According to the Shettles method, the best time to try to get a baby boy is 12 hours after ovulation.

Baby gender selection: if it is a girl you want…

The O + 12 method defies Shettles method on this subject. It is believed that 12 hours after ovulation will give you girl, not a boy as Shettles method mentions.

Calcium and Magnesium are believed to help conceive a girl. Old wives tales, myths, science, tests, technology- baby gender selection is all based on these.

You can read my previous article about When Can You Find Out The Gender of Your Baby

How to Concieve A Girl

How to Concieve A Girl
How to concieve a girl ? The female genetic code carrying sperms called genosperms are larger and slower than their male counterpart,the androsperms; like the long distance runners.

The female genetic code carrying sperms or genosperms survive better in acidic environment, so to make sure that you have a girl child use vinegar while having sexual intercourse.

Because the sex chromosome that determines whether your child will be a girl or a boy is carried in the sperm, when you have sex, there will be boy sperm and girl sperm racing to meet your egg.

The following gender selection methods are based on the differences between the sperm that carry Y chromosomes (which are necessary for a boy) and the sperm that carry the X chromosome (which are necessary for a girl). For example research shows that girl sperm can swim slower than boy sperm, so if you are looking to conceive a girl, you need to create a girl-sperm friendly environment

In test tube baby fertilization or in vivo fertilization, to increase the chance of the baby formed being a girl, the glucose content is to be reduced in the nutrient medium else more glucose concentration will reduce the chance of a baby girl being born.

While potassium and iron increase the chances of a baby boy being formed, magnesium and calcium increase the chances of a baby girl; studies have shown. Mineral content in the mother’s blood also plays a role to make the child a girl or a boy.

The timing of the day or month plays certain role in helping your conceive the baby gender of your dream. The perfect time to do so is 3-4 days before the ovulation begins, as you do not want to miss any chances of conception at all by having intercourse way too early or end up conceiving a boy by having the intercourse a little too late.

You can read my previous article about When Can You Find Out The Gender of Your Baby

Gender Selection Cost

Gender Selection Cost
What may be more interesting to examine though, aside from  gender selection cost, are the benefits and the how the selection is handled.

When considering the cost of gender selection though, it is important to think of financial budgeting and whether the cost fits into your personal lifestyle. Gender selection is not for every couple or family. Sometimes it is fun to anticipate the gender of a new addition to the family and gender selection can remove that spontaneity. However, regardless of this aspect, the cost of gender selection remains feasible for various income types due to financing options at some fertility clinics.

  • The Gradient Method–This is a medical gender selection that sorts sperm using a centrifuge to spin sperm at high speed. The process sorts the heavier Y-Sperm (male) from the lighter X-Sperm (female). The Gradient Method is relatively an inexpensive and easy compared to the other methods, priced at 600 -1600 hundred dollars.
  • MicroSort–Often called Flow Cytometry, MicroSort is also a sperm sorting procedure that uses a fluorescent dye to bind with the DNA material that is carried by the sperm. X- Sperm containing more DNA than Y-Sperm, absorb more dye. The sperm is then sorted and the procedures are complete by intrauterine insemination and/or in vitro fertilization.Priced at about $4000.00 a cycle. However, there are additional costs that could add up to $10,000 or more.
  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)–Another complex procedure of gender selection conception, however highly effective compared to the other two preconception gender selection. PDG testing costs between $2,000.00 and $4,000.00 plus the costs of IVF procedures. It comes with a 99% success rate.

When considering the cost of preconception gender selection , it is important to think of financial budgeting and whether the cost fits into your personal lifestyle. The cost of gender selection is sometimes a cost that can be financed and taken care of with the help of the fertility clinic of your choosing. Be fully aware of costs before you make any choices for your family.

You can read my previous article about Baby Gender Predictor

Old Wives Tales About Baby Gender Prediction

Old Wives Tales About Baby Gender Prediction
Old wives tales concerning pregnancy and determining the gender of the unborn baby have been around for a long time. Old Wives Tales about baby gender are a version of an urban legend that consists of folklore, superstitions, and are often exaggerated or made up ideas that are passed down from wife to wife through the generations.

Just for fun here are some of the most frequent old wives tales about baby gender which include the following:

  • If the Drano-urine mixture changes to a brownish color you’ll have a boy, if it doesn’t change color at all it’ll be a girl baby.
  • If you’re carrying your baby high in your womb you’ll have a girl, if the baby is carried lower in your womb you’ll be having a boy.
  • This old wives tale says that if the unborn baby’s heart-rate is 140 beats per minute or above you’ll be having a girl baby, but if it’s less than 140 bpm you’ll have a boy.
  • Do you crave sweets, congratulations you’ll be having a baby girl.
  • If it swings back and forth then your baby is a girl but on the other hand if it swings around in a circle, then you are having a boy.
  • It is said that if your baby has a fast heart rate, near 170 beats per minute, then you are having a girl but if your baby’s heart rate is closer to 150 beats per minute then you are having a boy.
  • If the shape of your face is round then you are having a baby girl and if your face is long and narrow then you are having a baby boy.
  • The Mayan Tale, Take the mothers age at conception and the year of conception and add them together. If the result is an even number then the baby is girl. If the result is an odd number then the baby is a boy.
  • If the result is an even number then the baby is girl. If the result is an odd number then the baby is a boy.
  • Acne Myth, If the mom is craving salty foods then you are having a boy but if you crave sweet food then you are having a girl.
  • If your husband gains weight then it is thought that you will be having a girl, if he does not gain weight then you will be having a boy.

I wouldn’t put much faith in these or any of the other old wives tales baby gender prediction out there, but they can be a whole lot of fun, so just relax and enjoy experimenting with them.

You can read my previous articles about Baby Gender Predictor

Sex of Baby Predictor

Sex of Baby Predictor
The most reliable method to determine the sex of baby prediction, is an ultrasound. Most expectant parents end up turning to age old myths, that have been passed down through generations as a gender predictor of baby.

Using myths as a gender predictor of your baby largely are not accurate, but they can be fun. Some people claim that if you carry your baby low, you are having a boy. Others claim that if your demeanor turns extra sour during pregnancy, you are having a girl.

While waiting for the ultrasound to confirm the gender of the baby, expectant parents can have a good time exploring these myths. Play around with some of these gender predictor for baby myths and tests, and compare the results to the scientific outcome.

Is it possible to predict baby gender. Let’s start with the Shettles Method as your baby predictor. This baby sex prediction method is based on the fact that the father’s sperm is the deciding factor in whether a baby girl or boy baby is conceived.

You could opt for the Chinese Lunar Calendar Baby Predictor, which has been predicting baby’s sex for centuries. The Chinese Lunar Calendar Baby Predictor is said to be able to predict a baby’s gender either before or after conception, but I’ll let you be the judge.

Then of course there are The Old Wives Tales for baby gender prediction. Again I’ll let you be the judge on the accuracy of these gender predictors as well.

Both the Chinese Lunar Calendar Baby Predictor and The Old Wives Tales can be a whole lot of fun to experiment with at your next baby shower if nothing else.

You can read my previous article about Baby Gender Predictor

Chinese Baby Calendar

Chinese Baby Calendar
The gender of an unborn baby is of particular interest to historically within the Chinese culture. The original Chinese birth calendar was housed at a Royal Tomb in Peking, China during the Ching Dynasty. Most Chinese homes have a copy of the Chinese pregnancy calendar and readily consult with it to predict the gender of a conceived child.

It is believed that the Chinese pregnancy calendar offers a 75-99% statistical reliability in its ability to accurately predict the gender of an unborn child. The appearance of the Chinese baby calendar is matrix like chart with shaded in boxes indicating M (male) or F (female). Use of the Chinese baby calendar is simplistic and involves five easy steps:

First make a note of the woman’s age during the time of the conception. Add nine months to the age of the mother in the Chinese baby calendar. Locate the mathematical result on the left hand column of the calendar (coordinate A). Locate the month of the conception of the child (coordinate B). Follow coordinates A and B to their natural intersection and note the result a prediction of gender male or female is complete

Recent statistics have revealed shocking information regarding the effect of consulting a Chinese calendar boy or girl. Women have historically utilized the Chinese birth calendar to attempt to deliberately choose the gender of their child.

Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

This leads to the creation and development of the Chinese conception chart or also known as the Chinese pregnancy calendar.

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is a chart believed to make predictions about the gender of the unborn baby in the mother’s womb. You will find various Chinese pregnancy calendar imitations or representations in the net. Although the calendar was not proven right, some people say that the pregnancy calendar accurately predicted the gender of their child during conception. Aside from the Chinese pregnancy calendar, the Chinese also used a different kind of calendar to predict the gender of the baby with the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, you are age one starting from the date of your conception that means that your age in Chinese Lunar Calendar will be your real age plus one.

You can read my previous article about Baby Gender Predictor

Thursday, December 15, 2011

When Can You Find Out The Gender of Your Baby

When Can You Find Out The Gender of Your Baby
Of course one of the most common questions we always receive is about When Can You Find Out The Gender of Your Baby ?. While many expectant parents do not want to know the gender of their baby until it is born, many more are very anxious to know

One important note about trying to determine the gender of your baby using an ultrasound, is that your baby may in fact be turned the wrong way, and the technician may not be able to determine what the sex is. Keep in mind that aside from genetic testing, none of these methods above is entirely fool-proof, which is why many expectant parents decide to just wait until the baby is born to learn the gender.

There are many different tests that can be performed in order to discern the gender of a baby. These tests are performed at different stages of the pregnancy and depend on different variables.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a test that is performed to find chromosomal abnormalities, but can also tell the sex of a baby. This may be performed between 10 and 12 weeks.

An amniocentesis checks for abnormalities in the fetus, using a long needle that gathers amniotic fluid, and may be performed around 16 weeks.

A level three ultrasound is only performed when it seems complications may be present in the fetus, but can also show gender as early as 12 to 14 weeks. A level one ultrasound is performed on most pregnant women between 18 and 20 weeks. This is the most common time to find out the gender of a baby. The heart rate of a fetus can be heard as early as eight to 10 weeks. It is believed that a higher heart rate indicates a boy, but this method is not accurate and should not be taken as truth.

The gender of a baby may be known out as early as 10 weeks but may not be discovered until the regularly scheduled ultrasound and even then, the position of the baby will determine whether the genitals can be seen or not.

You can read my previous article about Baby Gender Predictor

Baby Gender Predictor

Baby Gender Predictor
Timing of intercourse is important for gender prediction and conceiving a baby. Ovulation and gender prediction can work hand in hand when you know when you ovulate as you will need to time lovemaking during this short, but fertile time of opportunity.

During ovulation there are certain changes that take place in the woman’s body and these ovulation symptoms can all be recognised by the cervical mucus. You will notice as you approach ovulation, there is an increase in the amount of fluids produced.

The ovulation mucus also plays a big role in gender selection. If you are planning to have a baby or want to select your baby’s gender, then ovulation and gender prediction methods are all important to take into account in order for you to conceive and select your baby’s gender.

There are other methods which can be used in conjunction with ovulation and gender prediction method to select your child’s gender: Positions during intercourse as well as your diet will also have an influence on your baby’s gender.

The Chinese baby gender prediction chart

The Chinese baby gender prediction chart was discovered by Chinese scientist. This Chinese chart was buried in a tomb for more than 700 years and claims to be an accurate baby predictor. Based on this Chinese baby gender predictor, Chinese baby prediction quiz is introduced. Today, Chinese gender prediction chart has various versions such as Chinese lunar calendar, Chinese ovulation calendar, Chinese gender prediction chart. While looking at this chart you should remember that mother’s age should be calculated in lunar months. Each lunar month consists of 29 days. The lunar age of mother can be calculated with the help of numerous online calculators available.

Knowing the appropriate lunar age of mother will help you in appropriate baby prediction. The baby gender can be different if you conceive in some specific period of the month which has the influences of previous or next month.