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Monday, December 19, 2011

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender
The Chinese Baby Gender Calendar was employed in Ancient China for predicting baby gender. It really is rumored that the Chinese Gender Calendar was discovered over 700 years ago in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing, China. The Chinese Baby Gender Calendar is said to have been created on account of the strong desire for male babies in the Chinese culture. Moreover, the males were able to inherit the family members' name and property resulting the continuation of the family name.

In Ancient China, predicting a child's sex was a very important matter, especially in royal families, who needed a male heir to the throne to keep the family rule. Therefore, the Chinese pregnancy calendar was discovered in a royal tomb near Beijing, the original dating back 700 years.

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is a chart believed to make predictions about the gender of the unborn baby in the mother's womb. You will find various Chinese pregnancy calendar imitations or representations in the net. Although the calendar was not proven right, some people say that the pregnancy calendar accurately predicted the gender of their child during conception.

Aside from the Chinese Baby Gender Calendar, the Chinese also used a different kind of calendar to predict the gender of the baby with the Chinese Lunar Calendar. According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar, you are age one starting from the date of your conception that means that your age in Chinese Lunar Calendar will be your real age plus one.

Reading the Chinese Baby Gender Calendar is pretty simple: all you have to do is cross the mother's age with the month of conception and read the prediction: male or female. According to the Chinese wisdom the highest chances of conceiving a boy are in July and a girl in April. Also according to the Chinese table, the chances of conceiving a boy start at 54% in all cases.

You can read my previous article about Chinese Baby Calender 

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